Laura Faerman and Marina Weis, 77 min, 2022


At the heart of Brazilian agribusiness, indigenous teacher Alenir Aquino fights for her community's right to ancestral lands. On the opposite side of this dispute is the heiress of these lands, Luana Ruiz, a lawyer with strong ties to the Bolsonaro's government.
Host a screening of the film through the Taturana Plataform

You can set up a self-organized screening of the film Wind on the Border.
Taturana - Cinema and Social Impact allows exhibitors from anywhere in the world to use the Taturana Platform to hold free screenings and promote conversations and transformative activities based on the film with their guests. All you have to do is let us know how many people attended and how the event went.
The screenings must be booked through Plataforma Taturana 10 days in advance.
Here's how easy it is to take part in #RedeExibidoresTaturana:
1 - Access the platform www.taturanamobi.com.br
2 - Register by creating a login and password
3 - Click on "Movies" and choose "Wind on the Border", then click on "View movie details"
4 - Click on "I want to organize a screening"
5 - Click here and download "support material" to help you talk after the screening
6 - Share your session with friends and on your social networks, tagging @taturanamobi
7 - Send us photos of your session and tell us how the conversation went via the platform itself, by clicking on your profile picture and clicking on the chosen session. Then you can fill in the fields and upload images
For questions and other information, send an email to contato@taturanamobi.com.br
(The platform does not work on cell phones, so please use a computer to book sessions)
The materials below were produced to help you with the exhibition. Use the ones you find most suitable and adapt what you need to your needs. They can be used to create invitations and other communication pieces you deem necessary. Check them out!
We know that it can be difficult to start a conversation after a screening of a movie. That's why we've put together some complementary material so that you can be more confident in explaining the topics covered by the film. In it we have organized interesting content to deepen your knowledge of indigenous and Guarani-Kaiowá culture. As well as learning more about the subjects of the film, you'll find triggering questions that can help you start a conversation after the screenings, because the discussions that are generated after the film are the most valuable resources in certain contexts.
If you're an educator, you'll also find lots of links to references as well as a selection of scenes from the movie to comment on and use in the classroom. The most important thing is that you get everyone to be actively attentive and to use the film creatively.
Download and enjoy!
See what they're saying on the networks about #ventonafronteira


Laura Faerman
Laura Faerman is a documentary filmmaker, researcher and curator of audiovisual projects. "Vento na Fronteira" is her ninth film as a director, her first feature film.
In 2014, he accompanied and registered the National Commission for Indigenous Truth, which for the first time investigated the violations of rights committed by the Brazilian State against populations of different ethnicities during the military dictatorship (1964-1985). He traveled around the country recording stories hitherto unknown: forced removals, enslavement, rape, torture, murder, illegal imprisonment, among other violations. It is estimated that more than 8,300 indigenous people were killed during the dictatorship in Brazil.
Based on this research, he directed and edited, with Marina Weis, the audiovisual series “The Dangerous Memory” (6 episodes of 26 min.), with recordings in dozens of villages, unpublished archival material and testimonies of anthropologists, indigenists, journalists, indigenous leaders and elders who survived the lead years.
She curated the exhibitions “Passion of Memory”, with films and workshop by filmmaker Patrício Guzman (2017); "Game of Truth - Documentaries by Peter Watkins" (2012), the first retrospective of the English filmmaker in Brazil; and "The Cinema of Maya Deren (2009).
He gathered, digitized and made available the production of his father, journalist Marcos Faerman, on a website (2016):
She works as a researcher, editor and director of documentary projects in "With an eye on the ruralists", an independent media vehicle that monitors Brazilian agribusiness and its social and environmental impacts. His upcoming documentary, “Lossers: The Political and Economic Destroyers of the Planet,” is in pre-production.

Marina Weis
Marina Weis has a degree in Sociology from the University of São Paulo and a degree in Cinematography from the International School of Cinema and Television in San Antonio de los Baños, Cuba. She was a researcher at USP's Center for Indigenous History and Indigenism and has held more than a dozen audiovisual workshops in the Amazonia, in indigenous communities, in cultural centers on the outskirts of São Paulo, in schools and in refugee camps in Brazil and Germany.
She has directed five short movies, including the award-winning Lilith. As a photographer, producer and editor, she has taken part in dozens of other audiovisual projects. " We Others" (2014) is her first feature film, mixing experimental cinema and documentary. In partnership with Laura Faerman, she photographed and directed the series "The Dangerous Memory" - a series of 6 episodes about the impact of the military dictatorship on Brazil's indigenous peoples. The feature film " Wind Blows the Border" (2022), with the same partnership in direction and editing, is his second feature film, winner of more than 8 awards at festivals around the world.
She currently lives between Berlin and São Paulo and continues to intertwine her filmmaking work with art education and urban permaculture.
Hot Docs 2022, Canada - Special Jury Prize
It's All True 2022, Brazil
DMZ International Documentary Film Festival, Korea
43rd Durban International Film Fest, South Africa - Best International Documentary
Filmambiente, Brazil - Best Direction
Terra Di Tutti Film Festival, Italy - Benedetto Senni Award
Festival del cinema dei Diritti Umani di Napoli - Special Mention
Asinabka Film & Media Arts Festival, Canada
Solidarity Film Festival
UK Green Film Festival
EQUIS Feminist Film Festival of Ecuador
Utopia Filmfestival
Rome Independent Film Festival, Italy - Special Mention
Wild & Scenic Film Festival
WE HAVE TO SEE - International Film Festival and Human Rights of Uruguay - Best movie
Direction and editing:
Editing consultancy:
Executive production:
Germany cinematography:
Aerial images:
Camera assistant:
Sound Recording:
Local production Brasilia:
Production assistant:
Editing assistant:
Post-production Coordinator:
Color grading:
Sound editing and mixing:
Post-Production manager:
Guaraní translation:
Libras translator and interpreter:
Audio description:
Graphic art and design:
Indigenous characters:
Rural characters:
Laura Faerman e Marina Weis
Alziro Barbosa (ABC)
Karen Akerman
Julio Matos Lima, Marcelo Félix e Marcinho Zolà
Marcelo Félix e Marcinho Zolà
Rodrigo Díaz Díaz e Luís Ludmer
Marina Weis
Julio Matos
Leandro Lamezi e Vinicius Angotti Guissoni
Alan Caferro, Fernando Cavalcante, Paulo Seabra e Ubiratan Guidio
Bruna Schroeder Araujo, Carol Alberini e Jean Fichefeux
Gustavo Vieira
Bruna Prado
Augusta Gui
Lucas Lazarini
Leandro Lamezi
Estúdio Effects Films (Miriam Biderman, Ricardo Reis)
Bárbara Sodré
Julia Mattos
Maria E. Avalos, Leidy Recalde e Derlis Cañiza
Rafaella Sessenta
Bell Machado (roteiro e narração) e Emmanuelle Alkmin (consultoria)
Lokomotiv Studio e Victor Gorino
Alenir Aquino Ximendes, Ana Luene Aquino, Felisberto Vilhalva, Esteisi Aquino, Fausta Freita, Kathi Aquino, Kimber Naiana Lemes, Janete Ferreira, Scott Hil, Tadeu Romero Freita
Luana Ruiz Silva de Figueiredo, Dácio Queiroz Silva, Pio Queiroz Silva, Roseli Maria Ruiz, Mirian Alves Correa
Salles Agent Internacional